Ice Fishing Photos






 From 4 - 30 guests, -We supply all the equipment, - We supply the bait,-  we supply the holes, - our professional guides keep you on fish all day,- we provide a mid day "hot" meal,- we supply a shuttle service to and from the heated tent,- the tents are 20ft. x 20ft.and heated, including  tables, chairs, and holes inside,- we mainly target Walleye, Pike and Perch,- we are able to set up almost anywhere, but usually on Lake Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada,-for Family get togethers,- for Corporate groups,-  for Employees,- for Customer  Appreciation Events, - popular for X-Mas Parties and special occasions,- for both experienced and new anglers,- the weather does not matter, it's warm inside,- we can customize your trip to your requirements,- normal day is 10A.M.- 4P.M.,- from late Nov. to end of March,- references available,- for more info. on rates contact "
Sticky's Bait & Tackle,




Don Stokotelny
1301 Main Street South
Dauphin, Manitoba

Phone: 204-638-3658
Cell:     204-648-3166



Why Ice Fishing Sucks